Payment Performance Index

The PPI is a measure of how promptly customers meet their scheduled contractual financial obligations.
The PPI indicates the average number of late payments in days beyond terms measured as a percentage based on all the payment experiences reported to the bureau over the last 12 months.
The index ranges from M1 to M9 where M1 indicates negligible delays in payments while M9 indicates the customer delays on average over 3 times the agreed payment terms.
The PPI is a unique payment performance measure since it looks only at the customer’s payment habits, whether a consumer, SME or corporate. The PPI will help you anticipate your customers future behavior.


Consumer Credit Score

The Metro-Score is a measure of the consumer credit worthiness, the likelihood that they will meet their financial obligations. .The score is calculated using mathematical models developed from the behavior patterns of credit data provided to the credit bureau. The formula looks at such things as: outstanding balances, total avail-able credit, late payments, and the age of the credit account. Traceability factors are also considered to ensure improved chances of recoverability in the event of default. The more traits you share with people who have proven to be good credit risks, the higher your score. It uses payment performance, amount of debt and other characteristics to assess the credit worthiness of a borrower.
The Metro-Score ranges from 200 to 900, where a score of less than 400 indicates that the customer is in default. The score is used to assess a borrower’s creditworthiness.
As a lender, you can use the credit score to determine the risk premium to be assigned to customers. The Metro-Score is mapped to 6 risk buckets as shown in the diagram overleaf. The risk buckets help lenders to easily map the Metro-Score to their own risk classifications.


Data Quality & Quantity Score

Data quality and quantity are key for any rating or scoring program. There are significant challenges in developing these tools in a low data environment. The Q-Score is an innovative tool developed by Metropol to help quantify the quality of data.
The Q-Score is a measure of the data available on the customer profile as submitted by various data providers.
The specific items it measures include:
1. Transparency: the extent to which there is sufficient information on the profie.
2. Quantity: the depth and breadth of data, and its homogeneity.
3. Quality: Ability to meet specific attributes e.g. relevance, accuracy, completeness, freshness and consistency.